How often do we under sell ourselves? Under sell our value, and the payment for who we are and what we are worth?


As women, it’s hard to stand up for what we’re worth, and get paid what we’re worth. We hear about the glass ceiling regularly, and I’m not going to write another blog post saying that we should be paid more… we should, that’s a given, but we as women need to take responsibility for our value.


When I worked in Beijing, I managed a large team of people, and had a great deal of responsibility with my company, and dealing with the Chinese government. But when it came to being paid, I didn’t stand up and take ownership of my value, and I didn’t get paid the amount that I was worth.


[emaillocker]When my replacement arrived in Beijing, I told me of his strategy to negotiate a pay-rise for his salary, and he even prepared flash cards so that he could be confident in selling himself….


I can look back and wish that I had his confidence, that self-belief to even contemplate standing up for my worth. And the truth is that I played small, and I didn’t own who I am.


Now I’m a mum, and I run my own business, my fear of knowing my own worth has disappeared, but it took time and it was something I worked on! I put my big girl pants on, and created my millionaire mindset. True I would love to coach everyone for free, and I would love to give my entire salary away to charity, but I know that isn’t taking responsibility for my worth.


I’ve learned to put my big girl pants on, and take ownership of my worth. When you step into what you deserve to be paid, and what you deserve to charge your clients, something shifts and you feel more confident. And when you ooze confidence, people take note, and don’t even question your value.


Imagine putting on your big girl pants and owning your confidence. How does it feel to be truly wealthy? How does it feel to be valued at your true worth? I can teach you how to create your millionaire money mindset, and start believing you are worth more.


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