Strategies to stop the stress. Feed the brain and you’ll feel more in control and empowered to make smart decisions whatever life throws at you.

It’s so easy to feel overwhelmed with work and life. Strategies to stop the stress and put you back in control are essential when you’re an entrepreneur, busy working-woman, and mama.

Don’t be worried about saying “NO” to someone. If you think clearly about is this working for me, and my business (and my family) before you commit, then it’s easier to say no to things. Click here for more about saying SAYING YES TO SAYING NO




When you’re exhausted and you feel like crap, it’s so easy to sink into a box of chocolates, or open that packet of something… but how do you get the energy reserves you need to keep you on optimum form?

Jump up and down, do some stretches, and maybe a pose or two of yoga. 

Doing some exercise is proven to help you concentrate more, and will keep you more productive. You will achieve more if you work for 55 minutes, and then have ten minutes of exercise and stretching, and then work again for 55 minutes. 

If you feel like reaching for a snack, have some healthy alternatives to hand. 

When you eat healthily, you feel better, and have more energy, and feel calmer and in control… that in turn stops you – and therefore your business – spiraling. Dates are a great sugary rush without the guilt factor, and stock up the fruit bowl. 

I have a wish jar in my kitchen filled with dreams and things that I want to accomplish. When I go to make a cup of lemon and ginger tea (great for pepping you up in the mornings), I pull out a wish, and it is a lovely way to distract me from the cookie jar. 

Drinking a green juice (either buying one) or mixing up some spirulina with water makes you FEEL that you’re being healthy and looking after yourself.

An extra dose of Vitamin C helps to ward off the lurgies and the icks that little ones are so prone to (check with the doctor first if you’re breastfeeding).




Drinking LOTS OF WATER really helps eliminate the toxins from your body, and stops you feeling sluggish.



Having a big stretch helps you to concentrate. Try setting an alarm for every hour of the day, and when the alarm goes off, get up and stretch or dance with the little one or go for a ten-minute walk. It’s amazing how much more alert you are when you’ve done some exercise.

Why am I telling you this? Because if you feel on top form, you can do ANYTHING that you want to achieve, no matter how busy you are.

I segment my day… I’m a stay at home mama, so that means my day is punctuated by little one’s activities and nap times. My nap times are precious, and I manage those times to write blog posts (like the one I’m writing now), and I schedule calls.

When little one is awake, my day is centred around him and his activities. I find it much easier to be really present, and focus on him when I’ve scheduled my time, and achieved what I need to achieve in the nap times.

Helping you to feel more in control can help you to achieve more, and feel more balanced both in your life and your work.


Quick tips to overcome the overwhelm

  • BREATHE – Breathing deeply can quite literally breathe out your cortisol, also known as stress
  • DRINK WATER – Aim for 3 litres to flush out the toxins
  • VITAMIN C – helps to keep you in optimum shape, and ward off lurgies
  • GO GREEN – Drink a green juice to help your body get all the antioxidants you need
  • EAT YUMMY SNACKS – Dates, or healthy snack options really can give you the energy you need, without the guilt (and highs and lows of cane sugar). 
  • SET THE ALARM – divide your day into segments and punctuate these points in the day with an alarm to remind you to jump around and exercise.