How one woman escaped the office and built a business she loved…
I’m currently coaching a client that has successfully quit corporate life, and has successfully set up an Amazon and Not on the High Street shop after juggling her side business and her career. She’s given me permission to write about her story, and don’t worry, there’s a happy ending.
When she was in her 20s and single, she adored the intensity and challenges of corporate life. Fast forward a few years, and the lack of balance was no longer working. As the main breadwinner, she struggled to see her husband and her kids with her 7am-9pm schedule and she felt conflicted between work and her family. She knew that something had to change…
When she came to me, she was stuck, and frustrated, and desperate for change and didn’t know what to do. We unpeeled the layers of fear, and gradually she began to believe that she could do this. Sometimes she would cancel appointments because life was hectic, but despite her crazy schedule she knew that this was her way out.
Together we worked on her business plan, her confidence, her money mindset (soooo crucial as an entrepreneur). Then we looked at her branding, and her website, and created her shopify and Amazon accounts.
Flip forward 7 months and she has created an online business, and she is just at the point where she is about to hand in her notice, and work full-time on her business.
“Lucy has transformed my life, and my family’s life. It’s been really challenging not seeing the kids as much as I would like, and juggling everything. I’ve felt so unhappy for so long, and finally I’m feeling like myself, and so excited for the future! I cannot wait just to be able to work on my business, and have the flexibility to be a Mummy too!!”
You only get one life, and it’s for living!
Life isn’t always glamorous or jet-setting as an entrepreneur, but you know what? It flipping beats sitting in a meeting, dealing with colleagues droning on about something you no longer care about.
It beats having to work late to finish that project and you think about your little ones snuggling up in bed without a goodnight kiss from Mummy.