My boiler broke down at the weekend, and I called a plumber, and got it sorted. So why don’t we treat our dreams like this? Why do we only take action on the emergencies, and let other areas of our lives take a back seat? How can you treat that project that you want to do like the broken boiler?

I’ve always been a do-er and a “wing”-er… You know, someone that makes it happen even if it’s through grit and gumption rather than scheduling. But when I had a baby, everything changed, and suddenly I had to plan everything. 

Scheduling seemed so boring and grown up, and I couldn’t face doing it. Time management is one of those words that sounds impressive, but I resisted for so long.

And then I realised that actually planning my day was so much more liberating because I could actually have time for me, and what I wanted, rather than constantly feeling as though I was racing from one thing to the next with a baby in tow. 

I also realised I could get so much more done, and focus on what’s important to me. 


  1. TAKE ACTION AND “JUST BLOODY DO IT” for the times you want to wobble and quiver…
  2. SCHEDULE YOUR TIME:  Google Calendar enables you to have a separate calendar for family, life and work and partner and make them all visible. Start scheduling in time for you and your dreams. When you plan in time for you, and what you want to do, it means it’s less likely to get bumped down the priority list. 
  3. GET UP EARLY: Waking at 5am can be tough on a cold winter morning with a hangover, but most of the time it’s amazing how much more you can get done in your day. 
  4. MAKE THINGS NON-NEGOTIABLE: Put in your plan the things you want to do and make them non-negotiable… even if that means hiring a babysitter.
  5. SCREW THE TIME SUCKERS: Do you waste hours on Facebook wishing you lived someone’s life? Quit dreaming and start doing! It’s amazing how much time you’ll create.
  6. JUST MAKE A DECISION! The editor of US Vogue Anna Wintour says she just makes a decision, and says it doesn’t matter if it’s the wrong decision, she just wants to make a decision quickly. Take action and quit procrastinating your life away.