Broke, broken-hearted, and broken, I went to see Tony Robbins in the hope that something would change. Within days I met my husband, and within a year I had achieved all my goals – I was married, had saved for a house, and had my beautiful baby.
Click here for How I manifested a Man, a House, a Baby in a YEAR.
I’m back waiting for Tony Robbins to speak…
I’ve got butterflies in my tummy and I’m nervous and excited. Going to see him live is such a monumental overload to the senses and a transformational experience.
I know what to expect… the concentration and the focus to prepare you for the Firewalk…. and then the Firewalk…
And then the “good stuff” – the stuff that makes you rethink your life – who you are, your relationships, and your place in the world.
I remember back to my first encounter with Tony Robbins three years ago. Back then, I had worked the late shift and didn’t get home until 1am, and then I was up early for Tony Robbins.
I was completely broke and although my life looked successful on the outside, everything had come crashing down within the space of a few weeks.
I was living in a friend’s spare room, I was 38, single and miserable.
The doctor had told me to stop travelling, and stop reporting, and base myself in London if I was to have any likelihood of having children, and he said I was likely infertile…
I’d given up my job as a TV reporter in Iraq, and had come back to London. I was doing shifts in a TV newsroom, and they were similar to the work I’d done 14 years before. I was stuck in a basement studio in London doing the late shift for some TV show that no one watched, and no one cared about…. how did I end up in such a mess?
I saw that Tony Robbins was coming to London and decided to go.
I had always been dubious of Tony Robbins and his big, brash motivational speaking style who made Oprah walk on fire. I bought his books and I didn’t read them and he didn’t resonate with me…
I couldn’t really afford to go to see Tony Robbins – and I almost didn’t go – I knew that I had to do SOMETHING to get me out of my black hole.
I knew that I needed something bold and loud and transformational to help me do a 180 on my life. I scrimped and saved to go, and I made it happen.
Tony Robbins is the rockstar coach who has you dancing, and chanting and fire walking… it’s an unimaginable physiological, mental and heartfelt shift. I changed as a person, and he helped me to transform my life.
He enabled me to shed some of my hang-ups and leap forward. If I could walk on fire I could do anything…
I wrote down my goals and I visualised them. I wrote down: meet a man, buy a house, have a baby, be a coach.
Within three weeks I met my husband, I fell pregnant within 3 months and we bought a house about a year after we met…. two weeks later our beautiful baby boy was born.
Fast forward 3 years and my life is so different.
It’s hard to comprehend how quickly my life turned around. Those dreams came true.

What s beautiful, inspiring story Lucy Griffiths. You are a gifted writer. I resonate with your journey. Lots of love, Elizabeth
Awww thanks Elizabeth! That’s so sweet of you! xx
Ah I love this. Thanks for sharing your story. It’s so true, the darkness is such a difficult place to get out of sometimes. So glad you found the thing to turn it around! x
Thanks Lovely! It was a horrible time, but Tony Robbins was amazing! I would thoroughly recommend the experience to anyone! xx
Hi Lucy ,
I can resonate with you so much , your story is a inspiration to me , and I have set my intention to meet my soulmate next year , and fall pregnant ! I have waited for this for so long !