The singer Adele gave Beyonce and all mamas some loving in her acceptance speech at the Grammy’s. She said winning the award helped her “come back to herself”. 

“In my pregnancy and through becoming a mother I lost a lot of myself. And I’ve struggled, and I still do struggle being a mum. It’s really hard. But tonight winning this kind of feels full-circle, and like a bit of me has come back to myself…” she tearfully told the audience. 


I can so relate. I went from being a successful career woman that got things done, to this complete wreck that couldn’t really move to get out of bed, and struggled to breast feed, and pee-ed myself every time I stood up. Things definitely got much better, but being a mum is really hard on us both emotionally and physically and we don’t always give ourselves credit for giving birth, and then raising happy, healthy little humans. 

I remember feeling so lost in the first few months when I first gave birth, and I didn’t really have a support network to help me. My parents are older and don’t live close by, and my best friends are all scattered across the globe, so I had to make new friends and carve out a new life. I went to Mummy and Baby yoga classes as often as possible just to do something for me, and help me feel sane, and slowly I began to make friends I connected with, and also feel a little bit more like me again. 

I’m so blessed to have a funny, happy, and healthy little munchkin that brings so much joy to my days. But it’s so important to carve out time for us and our dreams too. 


It was only when I plucked up the courage to create my own business that I began to feel like my old self again. I had that fire in my belly, I was motivated, and I knew what I wanted. Building my business definitely hasn’t been an “easy” flick of a switch kind of business, and it has required grit, gumption and a few tears along the way! 

I couldn’t have really achieved all that I’ve done so far without the help of my coach. I currently work with two coaches, and their differing skill sets give me the confidence in both the business and my SELF that I need. One gives me a kick up the bum when I need it to stop procrastinating and start doing, and the other one pushes me in my business to take it to the next level. 


Yesterday I had a call with my coach who reminded me to give myself some loving, and recognise how far I’ve come… (something that doesn’t come easily for me!). So I booked a babysitter for a few hours, and I went out for lunch and got my nails done. It’s something I’ve never really done before… but it was wonderful, I really recommend it just to feel like you again! If you’re lucky enough to have family living near by, make the most of it, and give yourself a little you time. 

It made me think back to Adele and her interview in Vanity Fair where she said she had been “obsessed” with her little one, and it was only when she gave herself an afternoon off that she began to feel more human again. In giving herself the space to connect with her old self, she was able to start writing again, and get back to being the creative talent that we all know and secretly sing along to. 

Did you see my Huffington Post article on Adele? 



  1. MAKE TIME FOR YOU: Book a babysitter for the afternoon, and go out for lunch, and do something that you love
  2. SCHEDULE YOUR TIME:  Google Calendar enables you to have a separate calendar for family, life and work and partner and make them all visible. Start scheduling in time for you and your dreams. When you plan in time for you, and what you want to do, it means it’s less likely to get bumped down the priority list. 
  3. THE 5AM CLUB: Waking while the rest of the house is sleeping is a brilliant way to journal, read or get the YOU TIME to create the business you dream of doing. 
  4. STOP WATCHING TV: We all love the Kardashians every once in a while, but do you have to watch every episode? 😉 If you stopped dreaming and started doing, you could be Kris Kardashian before you know it.
  5. STOP WISHING AND START DOING: Do you waste hours on Facebook wishing you lived someone’s life? Quit dreaming and start building the dream business that you long for. If you start taking action it’s amazing what you can achieve.