Make time for you, no matter how busy you are!
In the mornings I get up at 5am, and love the stillness of the house. It’s quiet, and I can do some yoga and meditate before getting to work on my business uninterrupted before little one wakes up, and the house is filled with the sound of giggles, noisy books and Thomas.
I try to grab a little time at the weekend to have some time for myself, and go for a run in the park and enjoy the time to zone out. It’s all too easy to get distracted with the busyness of life and family and work and stuff, but just for a moment just to be present.
And if you’re not feeling up to a run post-baby, then when you’re pushing the pram in the park, just take a moment to look up at the bright blue sky, and appreciate the bare branches of the silvery silhouette of a tree in winter and breathe deeply. You’ll find your body relaxing immediately – even if you are pushing a buggy.
As I’m driving in my car, or on the tube, it’s so easy to get caught up in our thoughts about what to have for dinner, or our boss annoying us, or what to do with the stain on the sofa without remembering to find joy in the moment.
For just 10 seconds, close your eyes, rise above the everyday worries, and become very conscious, feel your heart beating. Strip away your worries, and just be, just be with the real you.
Take a deep breath in, and count to four… 1, 2, 3, 4. Hold the breath for four… 1, 2, 3, 4
Breathe out for four… 1, 2, 3, 4 Pause for four… 1, 2, 3, 4 Breathe in for four… 1, 2, 3, 4 Pause for four… 1, 2, 3, 4 Breathe out for four… 1, 2, 3, 4
And repeat again. Your breathing will slow, and you will become more centred.
Now you can take on any joy, any moment, and live life to its fullest.
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