I had to learn to re-write my story, flip the switch on my negative beliefs that I failed at everything, and turn my “failure” into a success

For too many years I was frightened of failure. I feared that I would fail, so I didn’t try… or I half-heartedly tried. I did things, but really I stood on the sidelines watching other people do the cool stuff, watching other people take action.

I had to re-write my ancient script… I BELIEVED I WAS A FAILURE 

It took me until I hired a high-level success coach that I realised what I was even doing! For 30 years I thought I was a failure, and I thought I failed at everything because I failed a school exam when I was 11 years old! 

Now I have an alarm that pops up (silently) on my phone at 7.45AM and 7.45PM.

It says: “Your failures are a springboard to your success.”


Sometimes you need someone to call you out on the stories you tell yourself. And when you realise that you’ve been believing utter nonsense for all those years, then you can flip the switch and create a new story, and a new reality. 

Hiring the success coach enabled me to stop sabotaging my business, and my confidence grew! She helped me to take my business from just about holding it together… to brilliant! She enabled me to find the balance that I was craving, and she helped me take control of my schedule and make my business work for me and my family. 

I know since then, since I started my coaching business, so many women have said they felt the same.

For me, I’m all about making a difference from my laptop, and my dream is to show you how you can too. It just starts with flipping your switch, and re-writing your story.