Do you feel feel so stressed out that you don’t know where to start? You’re spinning so many plates, and they’re just about all staying up in the air, but if something crashes, then everything will crash?
I used to feel like I was completely overwhelmed and not really in control of my family life, my work, and my entrepreneurial world…
Juggling everything is TOUGH! Congratulations to you for holding it all together, and making it happen.
Now, just for the moment you have to read this… STOP, and BREATHE. Big deep breath.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed with blogging, and tweeting, and Facebooking, and doing videos, here’s some ideas to help you feel less overwhelmed with social media.
For you to get more clarity and focus in your life, you need to start seeing the big picture. That’s where having a coach can help you get clear on your dreams and ambitions.
Write down your big picture dream, and remember where you’re headed.
Ask yourself what do I need to achieve today? Rather than writing a to do list as long as your arm, focus on ONE THING.
Screw multi-tasking and just do one thing with pure focus and enjoyment. Get it done, and tick! Feel the satisfaction, and praise yourself for getting it done, and move on to something else.
Follow on what you need to do, and don’t compare yourself to others. This is your business, and not theirs.
Ask yourself what 3 things you’re grateful for today… Gratitude releases cortisol (the stress hormone), and helps you focus on the good stuff!
Rinse and repeat this cycle and it will help you to feel calmer and less stressed…

1) Write down your big picture dream and stick it on a post-it note on your fridge, in your car dashboard or on the mirror where you clean your teeth.
Remind yourself where you’re headed.
2) Ask yourself what do I need to achieve today? Rather than writing a to do list as long as your arm, focus on ONE THING.
Get it done, and tick! Give yourself a high-five of praise and move on.
3) Ask yourself what 3 things you’re grateful for today…
It’s amazing how gratitude can shift your focus, and make you feel so much better!