Don’t just wait for the launch party for your new product, celebrate the small successes along the way… the finished email, the happy client…

What’s your big win for the week? Or are you just grateful you survived and did it all? 

The weekend is the perfect time to decompress and catch up, and feel as though you can get on top of everything that has been leftover from the week. 

Friday afternoon is a great time to assess your week, and plan the next week ahead (or perhaps when little one is sleeping, or the kids are playing with Daddy on a Sunday afternoon). 

Use this opportunity to look at the week just gone, and ask yourself what you’re proud of… 

Too often we’re racing from one thing to the next without stopping to appreciate all that we do in work, at home, and for our loved ones. 

Try meditating for about 5 or 10 minutes so you’re really chilled, and relaxed, and in your “zone”.  

When you – quite literally – have some head space, so you’re at your most creative, most productive, and able to think and to do stuff without the faff. 
Even when you feel a bit squiffy after one too many glasses of prosecco, a little meditation will help you to feel better, and sort your head out. 
I’ve compiled a lovely “weekly once-over” to help you run your weekly MOT for yourSELF. 
I find that if I ask myself these questions, and more in my weekly once-over, it helps me realise what I’ve achieved (pat on the back ALWAYS NECESARY), and it sets me up to achieve more in the week ahead. And I find that I do achieve more… without feeling like a headless chicken completely overwhelmed. 


Ask yourself: 

What am I proud of for achieving this week? 

What do I need to start or stop? 

What projects have I completed this week?

What’s going well, and why is it? 

What’s the one thing that I can do next week that will create the biggest results in my life? 

How am I using my time? How can I prioritise better? 

What am I grateful for?