It’s hard to believe that just 3 years ago, I was broke, broken-hearted, single, miserable and sleeping in a friend’s spare room.

In a desperate attempt to get myself out of my perpetual state of depression and misery, I went to see Tony Robbins. I’ve written about the account before (How Tony Robbins transformed my life).

Within days I met my husband, and within a year I had saved for a house, and had a baby (click here for How I manifested a Man, a House, a Baby in a YEAR).

Three years later, I decided to return to see Tony Robbins again in London. 

This time it’s a big deal because I’m not used to leaving my baby with someone else for so long. Oh how times have changed! 


This time I’m back because I want more confidence, and to learn to take my business to the next level.

In my first experience with Tony Robbins, I wrote down my 4 goals:

  • Meet a man
  • Buy a house
  • Have a baby
  • Become a coach

The first three of the goals became reality within a YEAR! 

The fourth and final goal took longer to manifest because I lacked the confidence in myself to make it a reality. 

I’m back today hoping that Tony Robbins can help me to break down some of that emotional baggage that we carry with us from childhood, that stops us doing what we really, truly want to do.


If you feel that your life is going nowhere, then take action. Are you sitting in a box house, sleeping in a box bed, and sitting in a box to take you to work, to sit in a box office, and eating box food?

  • Do something different.
  • Watch positive videos on YouTube and skip the usual diet of thrillers, and reality TV.
  • Read books by Eckhart Tolle, Wayne Dyer and Louise Hay – get them from the library if money is a worry… do what you need to do to make your dreams come true.
  • Start visualising your new life.
  • Start believing it’s going to happen… change your physiology- stand tall, breathe deeply and view the world with confidence.

When you want to change your life, find someone to model your life on. Find someone that is where you want to be, and learn from them. Ask them what steps they took, what decisions they made, and learn from them.

When you can afford to pay for personal development events, go to them. Spending 3-4 days just focused on you and your dreams can be incredibly transformational.

When you’re at the event, prepare to suspend disbelief. You’ve just paid $1000s to be there, so if you embrace the experience you’ll find it so much more enlightening and productive. Dance with it, move with it, and write down your dreams.


Get someone – a biz buddy, a friend, a partner to hold you accountable to your dreams. As soon as you can afford to pay for a coach, go for it. Hiring someone to support me in the business, gave me encouragement when I needed it, and it helped me have the confidence to promote myself when I felt awkward and shy.

She was my bullsh*t detector when I was hiding behind a story that no longer served me, and she helped me to grow my business so I earn much more than when I was a TV reporter, and I have freedom and flexibility to work around my son.

You can change your world today. Take action and make that leap to the success that you dream of. Your ambitions don’t need to sit on a piece of paper that comes out every January 1. Start today and take the first step to making the impact on the world that you’ve always dreamed of.