Here are some strategies for what’s working right now in 2021 on how to get your first client fast!

Here are my top tips on how to get your first client fast in 2021 and getting paid.

If I was starting out with my coaching business right now, this is what I would do to get paid.

Clubhouse and LinkedIn are great ways to attract clients right now.

You can use LinkedIn to find your first client in 2021. The Cubhouse is incredible for building your reputation and showcasing your knowledge and experience.

I used to struggle to find clients when I wanted to I was always disastrous at sales calls with people.

How to get your first client FAST - Tricks and Tips for Landing Your First Client

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I never knew what to say or how to ask for money.

Gradually I learned how to sell and value my expertise.

One thing I learned that helped me to stand out was to always think ahead. Do things differently to the crowd.

The early adopters to a platform are always the winners.

So I’m always looking ahead… What’s next.

And I developed low-cost online courses at a time when everyone in the coaching world was selling their high-cost packages.

I went all-in on YouTube when everyone else embraced Instagram. I began getting clients on LinkedIn when everyone liked Facebook.

Choosing to adopt strategies ahead of others enables you to stand out before the market becomes saturated.



How to get your first client FAST - Tricks and Tips for Landing Your First Client
How to get your first client FAST - Tricks and Tips for Landing Your First Client
How to get your first client FAST - Tricks and Tips for Landing Your First Client
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