How to Make Great Videos and Increase Youtube Viewer Watch Time

If you’re using video to grow your following, then you want to make sure that people are actually sticking around to WATCH your videos…

The algorithm will reward you if people are actually watching videos to the end, and commenting on them.

How can you make your Facebook lives and YouTube videos more exciting so that you do get the views and engagement you want?

* Have a strong hook so that people actually want to watch your content Include a call to action so that people stay to the end to learn something unique

* Mix up your videos a little… fresh angles, different locations, and be prepared to try something new.

If you’re using video to grow your following, then you want to make sure that people are actually sticking around to WATCH your videos…    The algorithm will reward you if people are actually watching videos to the end, and commenting on them.    How can you make your Facebook lives and YouTube videos more exciting so that you do get the views and engagement you want?   * Have a strong hook so that people actually want to watch your content   Include a call to action so that people stay to the end to learn something unique   * Mix up your videos a little… fresh angles, different locations, and be prepared to try something new.   This video is jam-packed with goodness to help you create great videos that people want to watch!

This video is jam-packed with goodness to help you create great videos that people want to watch!

I hope that you’ve learned a thing or two on how to make great videos and increase Youtube viewer watch time.

Make great videos to increase Youtube viewer watch time.

How can you make your Facebook lives and YouTube videos great and more exciting so that you do get the views and engagement you want?

Have a strong hook so that people actually want to watch your content Include a call to action so that people stay to the end to learn something unique

Mix up your videos a little… fresh angles, different locations, and be prepared to try something new.

The video above is jam-packed with goodness to help you create great videos that people want to watch. And here are also some guidelines how to achieve them:

  • Use the Back Camera
  • Check Stability and Focus
  • Record in Landscape Mode
  • Lighting
  • Experiment with Angles
  • Use Effects (But Don’t Overuse Them)
  • Learn Basic Video Editing


  1. Ensure you have a YouTube channel welcome clip that introduces what you do, who you are, and you ask people to subscribe and comment on your YouTube channel.
  2. Use SEO to ensure that your Youtube clips are found, and you are answering people’s questions that they type into Google.
  3. Create a thumbnail that ensures your YouTube video to stand out!