9 Passive Income Ideas That Earn $1000+ Dollars Per Month
How to earn $1000 per month with these 9 passive income ideas. In turbulent times, this can be a great way to make money online, and pay the bills.
The video above talked you through ways to have passive income income in 2020.
I hope that you’ve learned more about these 9 passive income ideas that can give you $1000+ earnings per month.
Here’s a quick list of these 9 passive income ideas that can give you $1000+ earnings per month:
- Youtube Channel
- Online Courses
- AirBnB
- Membership
- Affiliate Links on Amazon
- Affiliate Marketing – be the affiliate or have someone be the affiliate for you
- Be an Affiliate of Your Favorite Software (Tailwind)
- Be a Kajabi or Teachable Affiliate
- Clickfunnels
In the video above, I showed you passive income ideas that earns $1000+ earnings per month. I’d be very happy if you try these.
If you love this video, you can watch more videos here:
*7 Easy Ways to Make Extra Money at Home (2020)
*What’s the Best Way to Earn Passive Income
*10 Ways to Make Passive Income (2020)
*Feel more confident getting visible and posting on video and social media,