Getting that first 100 email subscribers

Why your email subscribers matters.

If you’re wondering how to get your first 100 email subscribers, here’s some tips that can help. 

Email marketing isn’t dead!

It is more important than ever because you never know what’s going to happen next on social media. With algorithm changes, or data protection changes, you never know what’s going to happen on Facebook or YouTube.

And this could have a massive impact on your business. 

It’s really important to actually think about the needs of your audience. 

What do they want to read from you? What expertise and tips can you share?

How to Get Your First 100 Email Subscribers


Are you showing people how to live better, or work more productively, or what to wear?

Or perhaps you want to choose a controversial topic that will get people talking… What’s happening with a famous figure, and how you can link it to your business. 

If you’re stuck, sharing “3 Tips to…”. can be a great place to start. 

The key thing is to set your timer for 20 minutes and write out what you want to say. Get your head out of the way (and that voice that will tell you you’re not good enough, or can’t do this or whatever). 

Ask people at networking events or in Facebook groups if they’d like to join your email subscribers list (and also ensure it’s GDPR compliant).


Create a freebie lead-magnet that is just must-have and people feel compelled to sign up.

Videos are a great way to build your list.

Because people want to learn and want to sign up for all the free courses when they’re first starting out.

Pinterest is a brilliant way to grow your list.

Create compelling content to drive people to your blog with a strong opt-in or pop-up window. 

Creating a quiz can create that intrigue where you want to learn “What’s Your Learning Style” or “What’s the best kind of YouTube channel for your business”.

How to Get Your First 100 Email Subscribers

There’s the fear of missing out factor that compels you to take the quiz… Every hates FOMO!

Whatever you do, you want to create something that is compelling.

So that people won’t mind imparting their private data to share their email address and bother to sign up as your email subscribers!


If you want to learn more about content marketing and gain more email subscribers and clients, here are more videos you can watch:

How to Effectively Create Business Emails That Get People to Open, Read and Reply

Content Creation Hacks – How to create content for all social media platforms

What’s a Landing Page? A beginners guide to ClickFunnels

How to Create an Interactive Quiz (2019)

*Feel more confident getting visible and posting on video and social media,