Being a business owner, grow a 100k business, and juggling life can be a challenge!
I definitely don’t feel like I have it sorted.
While I grow a 100k business, there are some days I feel like I’m spinning plates.
In addition, I try to juggle my business, entertaining little people, and managing life admin.
And, there are definitely days when I think that working in a 9-5 is definitely easier than running your own business.
When I first started out, I completely fell for all the Facebook ads promising that I’d make 6 figures in 6 days.
Two and a half years on, I had no idea how hard it would be, but also how fun, rewarding and creative it would be!
I now manage (with the help of my amazing husband and team) TWO six figure businesses.
You can definitely do this too!
In my latest YouTube video, I’m sharing how I’ve built two thriving businesses and grow a 100k business.
Here are 5 tips that I’ve learned along the way to grow a 100k business and while still being a fulltime mum:
GET AN ACCOUNTANT WHO KNOWS THEIR STUFF: I’m completely rubbish at financial stuff (thank god my husband is brilliant at this stuff). And so outsource as much as you can and get a good accountant to support your business.
PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS MATTER: Go to networking events, and build your network. The people you meet in the real world and then take those friendships online are so much more powerful.
SPEAK UP: I NEVER imagined that I would have to give speeches, appear on the cover of magazines, or feature regularly in Psychologies Magazine. This all started because of video, and public speaking. An being visible can help you grow a 100k business.
When I started my business, everyone told me to do Facebook ads. And while Facebook ads have definitely grown my business. I do believe that if you study your analytics, you may be surprised where your readers and viewers are coming from. Don’t do what I did and instantly dismiss Pinterest, LinkedIn and YouTube.
LEARN SEO: I thought I’d cracked SEO…
I was so wrong!
Hire a professional (and I don’t just mean your web designer) and ensure that your blog posts and website can be FOUND.
Organic traffic whether that’s from YouTube and Google has a credibility factor that cannot be matched with a sponsored ad in your feed.
I’d love to know what lessons you’ve learned in your business.
Please comment on the video, I’d love to hear!
New here? I write about confidence, and entrepreneurship.
Here’s some more blog posts that might help you grow a 100k business:
When Something Goes Wrong in Your Business
5 Ways to Tackle Social Media Stress
Confidence is more than skin deep
*Feel more confident getting visible and posting on video and social media,