How I Juggle Family Life and TWO Thriving Businesses

To juggle family life and work can be a challenge

I’ve learned – the hard way – how to juggle family life and my businesses. I have two thriving businesses, and I’ve learned to outsource a lot of what I do. At the same time, I can focus on the bigger picture, and establishing client relationships.

This video talks about the ways that you can schedule your time more effectively and juggle family time and business. Ensure that you don’t feel overwhelmed. On the other hand, you still get to spend plenty of time with those you love.

My 10 top tips to juggle family life and business are:


1. Schedule EVERYTHING.

Map out your week, and plan in time for the kids, time for work, time for sorting out your schedule, and life admin tasks. I use Friday afternoons to plan out my week ahead.


2. Outsource what you can to the right people in your business.

Sometimes you can find yourself repeating a task you’ve already paid someone to do. So ask lots of questions when you hire someone and don’t assume that you can just “train them up” – it takes time to train people, and it’s an investment. With some people, it’s absolutely worth it, but it is an investment in your time and resources.

How I Juggle Family Life and TWO Thriving Businesses

3. Give proper instructions.

If you’re asking anyone to do something for you – from your work to stuff around the house, make sure that you have enough time to tell them what to do. If it’s a complex task, then make a video about it, so that they can watch and repeat. I love Loom for quick desktop and instructional videos.

4. Plan on a date night with your partner.

This ensures that you have quality time together. Otherwise, it can feel as though you’re just talking family admin.


5. Hire a cleaner.

If you’re busy, you don’t need to be scrubbing the floors too. It is money well spent, and means that you can focus more on your business, and also be there for your kids!


6. Plan your cooking for the week.

So that you don’t have to make multiple trips to the shops to buy food.

7. Batch cook meals.

Put a second or third family meal in the freezer. For example, cook 30 meatballs and sauce, and divide into multiple Tupperware containers for the freezer.


8. Get up early.

I’m awake at 5 am as I write this, and it’s the time I have to myself to write and think clearly before the day begins.


9. Meditate.

Meditation for 10 minutes a day helps me stay focused, and calmer (and more creative). If I don’t meditate, I’m cranky and more shouty.


10. Ensure that you have one evening a week (e.g. Sunday night) to get organised for the days ahead.

I use Sunday nights to make sure that we’re up to date with washing and sorting of stuff. Otherwise, the week ahead is chaotic, and I’m playing catch up.


Check out my balance plan here:

Get More Balance in Your Business

How I Juggle Family Life and TWO Thriving Businesses


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