by Lucy Griffiths | Mar 5, 2017 | Business, Freedom, Inspiring women, Maternity leave, Time Management, Uncategorized
The next 20 minutes could change your life. You just need 20 minutes to do most of the things you want to achieve. We all have a spare 20 minutes to build our business… we could skip TV, we could get up earlier, or we could get someone to mind the little one...
by Lucy Griffiths | Mar 3, 2017 | Branding and Marketing, Business, Freedom, Manifesting, Self care
THE BENEFITS OF BEING YOUR OWN BOSS… The freedom and flexibility to run your own business, and live where you like is one of the great perks of the 21st Century. While living in Asia, I met so many people that were living on Koh Samui in Thailand, and enjoying...
by Lucy Griffiths | Feb 27, 2017 | Business, Freedom, Maternity leave, Self care, Time Management, Transformation
My boiler broke down at the weekend, and I called a plumber, and got it sorted. So why don’t we treat our dreams like this? Why do we only take action on the emergencies, and let other areas of our lives take a back seat? How can you treat that project that you...
by Lucy Griffiths | Feb 27, 2017 | Business, Freedom, Maternity leave, Time Management
Work doesn’t work anymore, and flexible living is the way forward. Gone are the days when 9-5 actually meant anything… 7am-7pm is often the norm… The old way of working doesn’t work for mums anymore. Commuting crazy hours, racing to nursery and...
by Lucy Griffiths | Feb 27, 2017 | Business, Freedom, Maternity leave, Time Management, Transformation
Every business needs a maternity leave – an incubator time – to grow and develop with some financial freedom, and leverage. Allowing yourself the time and financial cushion to build your business is essential – and that’s why your actual...
by Lucy Griffiths | Feb 17, 2017 | Business, Freedom, Maternity leave, Self care, Time Management, Uncategorized
The singer Adele gave Beyonce and all mamas some loving in her acceptance speech at the Grammy’s. She said winning the award helped her “come back to herself”. “In my pregnancy and through becoming a mother I lost a lot of myself. And I’ve...