Hi, I’m Lucy Griffiths.

If you want to become the “go-to” expert in your industry and create sales on autopilot, but somehow find the process a little overwhelming, I’m here to help you make it happen!

Here on my blog I share my experience and expertise to help you create a life and business that you love

How to develop your confidence “muscle”

How to develop your confidence “muscle”

BLOOM LIKE A SPRING TIME FLOWER Do you notice how blossom and flowers don’t ask “is it the right time to bloom?” or “What happens if no one likes me when I bloom?” They just get on and do their stuff and show the world how beautiful they are. They don’t worry if they...

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How to create work that works

How to create work that works

WHY WORK NO LONGER WORKED FOR ME Parenting changes us in ways that we can never imagine.  When my little one was first born, I was learning how to be a mum, and learning how to communicate and understand him. I had no interest in life beyond him, and my brain just...

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