Hi, I’m Lucy Griffiths.

If you want to become the “go-to” expert in your industry and create sales on autopilot, but somehow find the process a little overwhelming, I’m here to help you make it happen!

Here on my blog I share my experience and expertise to help you create a life and business that you love

[Video] Why You DON’T Need a Business Plan

[Video] Why You DON’T Need a Business Plan

Why you don't need a business plan to thrive? What do you want to achieve in 2023 and do you have a business plan? Success for me has changed. I’ve had multiple homes and fancy cars. And you know what? While it made life easier and nicer, I was actually feeling...

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[Video] 5 Ways to GROW in a Recession

[Video] 5 Ways to GROW in a Recession

5 Ways to GROW in a Recession How to grow in a recession? It's actually one of the BEST times to stand out in your industry... Why? Because as others are floundering, you can flourish... You can stand out in your niche and double down on your marketing. This video...

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[Video] Beginners Guide to Passive Income

[Video] Beginners Guide to Passive Income

Beginners Guide to Passive Income   Anyone can do this....you just have to start! We're swirling with economic doom and gloom and it's easy to step into a state of fear right now. And while people may say that this is a time to make money... What does that really mean...

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[Video] Top 5 Ways to Make Money Online 2023

[Video] Top 5 Ways to Make Money Online 2023

Top 5 Ways to Make Money Online 2023 How will you grow and improve in the last 100 days of the year? There's 100 days until the end of the year. Time is precious… You might look back and think you've achieved so much...  And yet feel as though you've achieved so...

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[Video] How to Structure and Create a Successful Membership Program with only a Small Audience

[Video] How to Structure and Create a Successful Membership Program with only a Small Audience

How to structure and create a successful membership program with only a small audience?   This video will show you how to structure and create a successful membership program with only a small audience. When I first created my membership, I was really worried...

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[Video] How To Create Content For Your Membership Site When You’re a Small Business Owner

[Video] How To Create Content For Your Membership Site When You’re a Small Business Owner

How do you structure and create a successful membership program with only a small audience? How do you create content for your membership site? Creating content when you're building your membership can feel as though you're on the content hamster wheel.  This video...

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