[VIDEO] How to Plan and Outline YouTube videos – How to Plan Your YouTube Video Content

[VIDEO] How to Plan and Outline YouTube videos – How to Plan Your YouTube Video Content

This video shows how to plan and prepare videos and video content so that you can get found on YouTube. When you plan and outline YouTube videos and plan video content will help you to grow on YouTube. A few weeks ago, I thought I’d give Clubhouse and found the...
[VIDEO] How to get your first client FAST – Tricks and Tips for Landing Your First Client

[VIDEO] How to get your first client FAST – Tricks and Tips for Landing Your First Client

Here are some strategies for what’s working right now in 2021 on how to get your first client fast! Here are my top tips on how to get your first client fast in 2021 and getting paid. If I was starting out with my coaching business right now, this is what I would do...
[VIDEO] The Ultimate Guide for Creating Content for Your Membership Site when you’re a small business owner

[VIDEO] The Ultimate Guide for Creating Content for Your Membership Site when you’re a small business owner

What’s the ultimate guide for creating content for your membership site?  Creating content for your membership site can feel as though you’re on the content hamster wheel. How do you create content when you’re running a membership? This video will...
[VIDEO] How Do You Structure and Create a Membership Program with only a Small business?

[VIDEO] How Do You Structure and Create a Membership Program with only a Small business?

How do you structure and create a membership program? This video will show you how to create a  membership program with only a small audience. When I first created my membership, I was really worried that I only had a small audience. I worried that no one would buy...
[VIDEO] Niche Down to Grow on YouTube and in Business – How to Dominate Your Niche on YouTube

[VIDEO] Niche Down to Grow on YouTube and in Business – How to Dominate Your Niche on YouTube

Why it is important to niche down to grow on YouTube and in business? How to Dominate Your Niche on YouTube? Finding your niche is almost seems counter-intuitive, but go with me. If you’re able to focus on one area of the online world and then offer trainings about...